Hi Alex. I am happy to help review your latest Neworking chapter draft. I work as the lead/architect for the Braintree & PayPal iOS SDKs and networking is a core component of our product. Happy to lend a hand. Thank you for all of your contributions to the iOS community!
Hi Alex. I am happy to help review your latest Neworking chapter draft. I work as the lead/architect for the Braintree & PayPal iOS SDKs and networking is a core component of our product. Happy to lend a hand. Thank you for all of your contributions to the iOS community!
hi Samantha, thank you! Sent you an email.
Hey Alex, I'll be happy to be part of the review team.
DMed you
Hey Alex, hope all is well. I can supply feedback if still needed
emailed you
Hey Alex, I’ll be more than happy to feedback the draft if you still have spots 🤞
DMed you
Im happy to review