The Mobile Engineer Newsletter
Mobile engineering from the inside. Best practices, techniques, architecture, software development lifecycle and process, and more. Useful for mobile engineers junior to senior, tech leads, EMs.
Mobile engineering from the inside. Best practices, techniques, architecture, software development lifecycle and process, and more. Useful for mobile engineers junior to senior, tech leads, engineering managers. Written by team lead and software engineer Alex Bush, author of The iOS Interview Guide and co-host at Inside iOS Dev podcast who was previously at Uber and Wayfair and other Silicon Valley startups.
What to Expect
In this newsletter I’m going to share my experience and thoughts on mobile development, whether it be coding techniques, architecture or software development process and mindset. This newsletter is a mix of tech, dev, project, and product thinking and perspectives all derived from my previous and current experience at tech companies building mobile apps and entire systems.
Some of the bigger articles I wrote are:
A lot of it comes first to my LinkedIn account in a raw form such as these:
and more.
I also used to write here and here.
Unfortunately I can’t commit to any periodic schedule, I don’t want to give you false promises, so don’t expect this to come out every week or two or so. But I’ll do my best to share insights as soon as I formulate them.
What I’ll try to do in this newsletter is to expand on those topics I share or thinking about. I’ll also email new Inside iOS Dev podcast episodes here with additional thoughts and commentary on them.
Bottom line I’ll share things as soon as I can even if they are unedited or proofread (I’ll do my best to followup and edit asap).
🚫💵 💳 Paid Tier
There is NO paid tier for this newsletter as of right now. I’ll share everything with free subscribers and will notify everyone as soon as it changes.
That said, if you do want to support my efforts here please feel free to sign up for paid tier through substack. It will get one step closer to becoming more consistent with publishing new articles.
What’s going on with Inside iOS Dev podcast and YouTube, is it over?
Some of you are podcast listeners and YouTube channel subscribers and might be wondering if I’m not going to be making new episodes now since I have this newsletter. The short answer is NO but new videos and episodes won’t be as frequent.
The long answer is it’s been harder and harder for to keep up with posting podcast episodes on a regular basis and it got even worse and harder after I started video episodes on YouTube. It’s great for explaining and showing the code just like if I pair programmed with you but it’s such a pain and so time consuming to edit though. Although, if you’re willing to help out with please reach to me.
Ask a question
For topic suggestions or any questions you might have, reach out to me on LinkedIn or reply to any one of the newsletter emails or email me directly at